Towards Evidence-Based Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting of MDG Progress at the Sub-National Level (1st Project Report)
As the research and training arm of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), the Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) spearheaded the improvement of the overall quality of local level statistics through the conduct of statistical capacity building activities. With funding support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), SRTC conducted a three-part series of trainings in Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) to improve the statistical capacity of the local government. The 1st stage of the capacity building activity, described in this report, aimed to assess the existing indicators in the local level along with the data and training requirements needed to conform to the CBMS. Ultimately, a training curriculum was designed using these information. The pilot training program was designed and the province of Batangas was the first recipient of the capacity building activity. Three barangays in San Pascual, Batangas were chosen for the trainings. The project aimed to familiarize barangay officials with CBMS, and at the same time, seek their commitment to the project. Available CBMS indicators in the local level were also identified. At the end of the activity, necessary local poverty indicators and the corresponding data gaps were determined for the three barangays.