Preparation of the National Seminar and Phase II Plans for the ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS)
The ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS) Project is an initiative of Japan and the ASEAN, along with the participation of China and the Republic of Korea. Its overall objective is to facilitate food security planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in ASEAN countries through the systematic collection, organization, management, analysis and dissemination of food security data and information. To have this realized, the project firstly endeavors to upgrade the capacity of the statistical agencies, the success of which will enable the improved statistical agencies of supplying the statistics and information required for the planning and implementation of food security policies. Consequently, the project has two main activities; namely: human resource development and information network system development on food security. Thus, this study was geared towards the planning and organization of the AFSIS National Seminar in the latter part of 2007, and the formulation of the technical plans for the implementation of AFSIS Project Phase II starting 2008. This project was mostly carried out through meetings, workshops and papers.