Development of Shelter Monitoring Information System (DSMIS)
One of the eight (8) Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is to ensure environmental sustainability. This means that signatory countries to these goals should be able to achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by year 2020 through simple, low‐cost interventions that could significantly improve the lives of many slum dwellers. The Philippine government has set‐up policy instruments to protect the housing rights of the urban poor. At the same time, programs to provide shelter security units were initiated and implemented in partnership with the private sector. However, the success of effective strategies and convergent action plan by and between government and private sector to meet these challenges starts with, and depends largely on, how reliable existing housing statistics are. In assessing the methodology used by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) to determine housing needs as well as housing demand, it was found out that in a time series data, the existing method may no longer be suitable to current situation. This study was conducted to review and revisit the Philippine Housing Backlog under the Development of Shelter Monitoring Information System (DSMIS) project. Various outputs such as the improved framework and estimates of housing backlog vis-à-vis housing needs were produced from this study through the conduct of meetings, workshops, estimation/forecasting and field operations.