Monitoring the of Housing Related Statistics for the Evaluation of Republic Act No. 9653 (Rent Control Act)
The Republic Act No. 9653 "An Act Establishing Reforms in the Regulation of Rent of Certain Residential Units, Providing the Mechanisms Therefor and for Other Purposes" or RENT CONTROL ACT was approved in July 2009. This was enacted immediately but expired in December 31, 2013. The HUDCC has been mandated to review the implementation of the Rental Law every three years. As such, HUDCC had commissioned the PSRTI to assist in its evaluation in 2015 and 2017. In the latest study, a review on the effect of the last prescribed rates as they affect the income of the low- and middle-income group was conducted. This used the results of the 2015 FIES to find out if the 4% rate of increase in rent as recommended in 2015 still holds or another cut-off will have to be established. This resulted to an extension of the Rent Control Law until December 2020. The study concentrated on recommending the process flow and statistics to monitor in order to evaluate the Rent Control Act. In particular, its objectives are to compare the researches done for the two Rent Control Act Evaluation, propose the statistics that need to be monitored in order to evaluate the Rent Control Act; and propose a standard evaluation process of the Rent Control Act. For institutionalization purposes, paper discussed the processes done during the past evaluations. This can then serve as guide to the HUDCC and other researchers on what statistics to monitor and how it should be analyzed to evaluate the Rent Control Act in future researches.