Disability and Ethnicity Registry Framework
In accordance with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Board Resolution No. 4 Series of 2016 that enjoins national government agencies in providing data support to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) conducts research studies that are anchored towards the improvement of data generation and disaggregation of the indicators for the monitoring of the SDGs. In the spirit of leaving no one behind, the SDG Indicator system shall be disaggregated by sex, age, ethnicity, disability, etc. in order to monitor the SDG targets across all groups of individuals. However, despite availability of data for Tier I indicators, there is lack in data for disaggregation, particularly in data for ethnicity and disability. Hence, in 2019, the PSA sought the help of PSRTI in looking into the possibility of collecting data on disability and ethnicity through registry instead of surveys as surveys do not capture the said groups due to sample size limitation. With this, the PSRTI conducted two (2) research studies which aimed to propose registry frameworks that will produce SDG data disaggregated by type of disability and ethnicity. These included proposed definition of terminologies, registry forms, reporting templates, quality checking systems and capacity building modules relevant to the frameworks. Given the need to disaggregate these SDG indicators mentioned, the studies aimed to establish a registry framework that will be used for data collection. Specifically, the papers sought to harmonize the definition of relevant terms used by national government agencies in the Philippines. For the disability paper, a comprehensive review of the models of disability and existing conceptual frameworks was done. Similarly, for the ethnicity study, the concepts and definitions related to ethnicity and existing registration practices locally and internationally were studied. From this, registry forms, templates for reporting, implementing institutions and reporting system, quality checking system and capacity building modules for the implementation of the proposed disability registration framework were proposed. These proposed frameworks will be presented to concerned agencies and to PSA for review.